Re: Quantum CPOs was: Atari serial #'s

From: Tom McClintock <>
Date: Tue Oct 28 2003 - 15:16:58 EST

No, Arcade Renovations bought out the last stock I had (actually from Noel
Johnson). He is now sold out as well.

We had 75 made up and all the original film, color matching info and die are no
longer in existence, so unless there is a big demand for more Quantum CPOs (and
I doubt there will be) - NOS ones will be the only way.


Tony Jones wrote:

> > Most curious Quantum you have Cris. I wish I had more Quantum CPOs!
> Doesn't Arcade Renovations still sell CPO repro's?
> I have a spare NOS one, but I paid $200 for it.
> tony

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