Mydreamproduct promo

From: Fredk <>
Date: Wed Dec 31 2003 - 21:01:49 EST

I posted this on RGVAC, but the same Promo applies to to vector list also ;)

Okay folks,

    Retro-Arcade, Arcadeshop and myself are doing a little Pro-Mo. Email with subject mydreamproduct and a short description of
what your dream product for 2004 would be. For example "I'd like a new go-8
deflection chassis" or "a new go5 BW High voltage kit" or whatever your
dream is (not limited to XY stuff). Also include a number from 1 to 100 in
the subject. One entry per
email address. All emails sent with incorrect format will be deleted.

   Friday Jan 16th, 2004 I will ask my son to pick a number from 1 to 100
and whoever emailed that number gets a choice of a new pacman 30 in 1 kit, a
new WG6100 deflection or a new WG6100 HV kit.

    In the event that more then 1 person has the same number then I will
assign numbers in order to those people (IE 1,2,3) and ask my son to pick a
number out of them.

    In the event he guesses a number that was not picked then the closest
number will be the winner.

    Also the person with the best idea for a new product (will be judged by
myself and retro arcade) will get a Prize (Our choice).

    Winners will get an email between Jan 16th and Jan 18th, 2004 and must
respond within 3 days. Also the NG will have a post with the winner between
those dates. In the event no reply is made from the winner or winnners
within 3 days then the next lowest number will be notified as the winner or
winners and so on.

    We had a good 2003 with the new HV and Deflection replacements and want
to make 2004 a better year with some great new products.

    Rules subject to change or offer subject to end (in the event a loophole
is taken advantage of)


Fredk AKA juice28
Tom Fischels (retro-arcade)

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