Re: Gravitar > Major Havoc conversion questions

From: Tony Jones <>
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 20:01:38 EST

As I said here a few months ago ... I would have thought that the dual 1495s
for pincushioning compensation on the Atari MH conversion board (which were
designed to compensate for a WG display and the lack of pincushioning
compensation on the MH main board) would make for a pretty weird display if
used with an Amplifone (which has built in compensation). In effect you will
get double compensation. Can you post pictures of what it looks like?

Around 10 years ago (I think it's in the conversion FAQ) I made an adaptor
to allow a MH board to be installed into a Black Widow.

I kept on blowing 3055s on the Audio II/regulator until I removed the two
jumper wires on the MH board (CK series) which go from pre-X/pre-Y in the AVG
section to the unused pins on the edge connector. These are used by the Atari
adaptor board but were unused by my home made adaptor. It was very weird.

Gravitar has the same pinout as Black Widow so the adaptor should work fine.
Use the FAQ Luke :-)


> I have a Gravitar cabinet with an Amplifone monitor. My Major Havoc
> boardset plays in this cabinet, (using the Gravitar>MH conversion board) but
> my x
> size is too big and the picture still looks goofy, even after adjusting the X
> LIN and X size on both the MH board and the conversion board.
> First, I don't think I can plug the MH boardset into my Gravitar harness
> without the conversion board. For Major Havoc, pin X on P20 is +22vdc, and pi
> n
> W is -22vdc. For Gravitar, P20 pin X is not used, and Pin W is not used, and
> pin 3 is +22vdc and pin 4
> is -22vdc.
> Has anyone run MH in a Gravitar or Space Duel cabinet with an Amplifone
> monitor? Can I eliminate the conversion board? Any help would be appreciated.
> Thank You,
> Michael Kelley

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