RE: Re: Re: RASTER: Ancient Marquee help

From: James J. Hagen <>
Date: Sat Feb 28 2004 - 20:48:16 EST

John, sure you don't mean *Goof-Off*

Goo-Gone, to me just smells citrus...

James Hagen

  -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Teaganm
  Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 7:27 AM
  Subject: OT: Re: VECTOR: Re: RASTER: Ancient Marquee help

  Not too toxic. My teenager tried to commit suicide by drinking an economy
size GooGone a couple years ago. It gave him a really bad case of diarrhea,
but thats all. He was hospitalized in the psyche ward for a while though.
As a BTW, he did get the help he needed and is doing much better now :)

  To get back on topic, I've had great success soaking the marquee paper
with GooGone. Also, I've had success using a hair drier to warm up the
paper and it comes off fairly easily.


  John Robertson <> wrote:
    Soak the paper lightly with "Goo-Gone" that seems to be safe on
    plexiglass - you might want to test it first on a damaged header. Do
    it outdoors the stuff is toxic.

    John :-#)#

    At 5:10 PM -0700 2/26/04, Kurt Mahan wrote:
>Some things improve with age. And some things don't.
>I recently picked up some plexi nos marquees (both vector and raster to
>make this cross posting appropriate). Still with their paper front
>protecting them from scratches. Since they are 20+ years old the paper
>is quite happy to stay attached.
>What do people recommend for removing the paper and glue, but leaving
>plexi and silkscreen intact?
>I'd rather not have to remove the paper a square millimeter at a time.

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Received on Sat Feb 28 20:48:21 2004

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