RE: Gravitar Repro Control Panel Overlays

From: Archer <>
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 15:55:04 EST


I've just added a substantial reply to the link at the bottom of this email
(Dans Gravitar website), which also mentions a couple of other more unusual
arcade artwork projects about to happen.

Scrub unusual, how about ultra rare, like, how many people would want
Vectorbeam Warrior side art decals ?!

I will be doing the Gravitar CPO run this weekend.


  -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Mark E Davidson
  Sent: 17 March 2004 04:51
  Subject: Re: VECTOR: Gravitar Repro Control Panel Overlays

  My only fear is missing out. If someone can privately email Archers
address Ill forward upcoming questions his way


  oll wrote:

I've seen his initial run one - and it's very nice.

----- Original Message -----
From: "James J. Hagen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:46 PM
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Gravitar Repro Control Panel Overlays

  I heard from Archer yesterday- he's all set to sell them at ?40 each,
    might want to try emailing him direct...
James Hagen


Anybody besides me interested in these? It seems that if there are 10+
  so, it will be worth it to make them. There are 2 interested parties

See this message thread for details:


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