Tempest Display Problem

From: Andreas Kraemer <andi_kraemer_at_t-online.de>
Date: Sun Mar 28 2004 - 12:08:00 EST


as I have no idea where this problem lies, I thought I'll the vector community for assistance.

Since yesterday my tempest suffers from a display problem. The end and startpoint of some lines are shifted vertically. Here's a link to two pictures with the test page. I have increased brightness, so you can see the beam movements. This is not a BIP adjustment problem...

With my limited knowledge with Tempest repairs and after reading the article "the secret life of vector generators" I think the problem is not in the AVG part, more probably in the Vector-Generator Data Shifter. The outputs of those chips look good, however.

I have some experience in repairing boards (asteroids, not tempest), have a scope, can use it and can also replace chips.

If this helps, I have also access to a CAT box.

Thanks in advance,

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Received on Sun Mar 28 12:09:07 2004

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