Re[2]: A few WG6100 tips and tricks

From: peter jones <>
Date: Sun Apr 18 2004 - 19:12:26 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: "urban_paranoia1" <>
To: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 11:47:18 +0100
Subject: Re: VECTOR: A few WG6100 tips and tricks

> "I had this problem a very long time ago with a battlezone playing itself
> on the rear of the tube..."
> <SNIP>
> Interesting!
> Incidentally, I have a Battlezone currently doing something similar, but the
> PCB is at fault, NOT the monitor. All you get on screen is a green dot with
> a few random vectors and the vector "chatter" is very loud compared to a
> working board.
> The Monitor has tested fine with a known good PCB.
> On a scope the faulty PCB produces an image which appears at the top and
> bottom of the can see the game playing but it's very distorted
> and "thin".
> Effectiveley the game is being drawn way off the limits of the screen.
> Still haven't narrowed the fault down yet, though! AVG section *seems* to be
> OK and someone has suggested 74LS...maybe a 157? I'll be looking at that
> next...
> Anyone got any suggestions?
check the datalines on the dac's, if they seem o.k. then suspect the dac's or the analog stuff.

maybe change the opamps and see what happens.

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Received on Sun Apr 18 19:12:44 2004

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