There is a list of the power supplies and their part numbers -
somewhere. This tells you which games they work with.
John :-#)#
At 8:07 PM +0100 6/16/04, Dave Langley wrote:
>Can someone tell me how you visually identify a power brick for use
>in asteroids?
>I need one for a project and I'm trying to describe one to someone
>but don't want to end up with something useless as the postage to
>the UK will be excessive! If it makes any difference I need one
>that can run 240v for the UK, though I can make my own voltage plug.
>Can you ID them by the part number of the transformer?
>I know they are different from a colour XY one, are they different
>to the raster ones as well?
>Thanks in advance for any help!
>Dave Langley
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