Bad/loose ground(s)? Noisy power supply?
On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 01:19:06PM -0400, Anthony Pietrak wrote:
> Kind of puzzled with this one, it's a Wells 6100 Color X-Y monitor that we
> have running in a Tempest. Picture looks good, but its bouncing a bit (more
> than the usual flicker) and I've noticed some wavyness, almost like some
> interference.
> Monitor has a new HV unit and deflection board from Arcadeshop installed.
> The HV cage is intact, we've tried another Tempest board and had the same
> issue, so we're pretty certain it is the monitor.
> I've installed other HV units in different monitors/games from Arcadeshop
> without having this issue. Never installed both the deflection board and HV
> unit, but we're trying to bulletproof this as best we can.
> Any thoughts?
> Anthony
> --Anthony Pietrak
> Restored Arcade Games for your Home
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