> I don't know how much you guys are interested in emulation, but if
> you've ever worked on emulators you might appreciate how little emulator
> overhead this conversion has. I went to some effort to automatically
> remove redundant flag calculations. Use a good compiler
What would you define as "good compiler" on the x86 based CPUs?
> Much better than
> regular emulation, by a factor of 10.
I think you're exaggerating just a little, here. Maybe by a factor of 2-3,
but not *10*. Does the code currently run anything?
But it's still cool. ;-) I like the creative use of the case statement -
something I hadn't thought of. Also, there isn't any timing information in
there, either, and that's required (even for some of the vector games).
Neil Bradley "Your mistletoe is no match for my T.O.W. missile!"
Synthcom Systems, Inc. - Santabot - Futurama
ICQ #29402898
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