Re: Tech: Battlezone

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 16:08:19 EDT

Just as a follow-up to my query re 'flickering' mountains on a Battlezone
AVG board and the missing LM312's - I got hold of some LM312's, popped them
into some sockets and ......... nothing, no video at all. Removed them -
video is back. Hmmmm ........ checked out the Z output and nothing there
with one or both LM312's in situ.

Checked back through the relevant part of the circuit and found the
LF13201N at location D11 had bad outputs, so swapped this out (with a
DG201) and bingo - a display! And as a bonus, no more mountain flicker. :-)

So there ya go.

My thanks to Chris for his earlier advice re this.


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