Re: 6101 deflection board parts

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Mon May 02 2005 - 15:17:52 EDT

The 1N4000 series are slow as death 1 amp rectifiers meant for 60 Hz
power rectification and pretty much nothing else. Unfortunately people
have a tendency to stick them in places they don't belong.

This is one of those places.

Stick with the 1N5402. Is a 1N4007 (1 amp, 1000 volt) a replacement for
a 3 amp part? Not really.

This part information should be added to the troubleshooting flowchart
(since the manual is no help in finding the correct replacement), if
anyone has a way to do that.

joemagiera wrote:

>Working through fixing these 2 6101's, I got one fixed (thanks you guys!).
>Using Greg Woodcock's troubleshooting flowchart, for blowing fuses at F100 &
>F101, he recommends (among other things) replacing diodes at D100, D101,
>D102 & D103.
>The Atari manual for the 6101 shows these to be all the same, but only
>identifies these as "Type-S5A2 Diode". A search of the vector list and
>RGVAC shows a post saying they are 1N4007's.
>On a whim (obviously I didn't have anything better to do last night), I
>emailed WG tech support and asked them what type are those diodes. I
>expected no reply, or maybe a "we haven't supported that in 10 years" reply
>at best.
>However, I was surprised to get this reply this morning:
>"We don't have any in stock but here is the description for that part.
>DIODE IN5402 200V 3A Ita a Motorola Part No. 1N5402. We no longer stock
>parts for this model."
>Anyone have any comments? Is a 1N4007 a cross to a IN5402 (I assume he
>meant to say 1N5402)?
>What have you used to replace these diodes? Thanks,
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