Re: WG 19v2000 Source for neons

From: Tom McClintock <>
Date: Tue May 24 2005 - 10:58:16 EDT


Looks like you have asked for three things - (1) Asteroids Deluxe
sideart (to which you received a response); (2) a cardboard bezel for a
Tempest cabaret (for which you will be lucky to find one and most likely
need to make one from scratch); and (3) a WG6100 display corrector for
which you noted that Clay no longer makes them.

Just because you don't get a response when asking for physical items
doesn't mean everyone else is ignoring you. We can't all say "sorry,
don't have that".

To Bob - yes, all three neons are the same. If you can't find them in
the Mouser, Jameco or Allied catalogs, you will have to hit some surplus
shops. The Neon bulbs only act as a load to bleed off voltage in certain


Jarrod Johnson wrote:
> good luck geting anyone to respond, i have tried several times to get a raise
> out of anyone on this board, and if your not in their little click you might as
> well forget it, its definately not a group to help EVERYONE.
> Bob Langelius <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of a source for the NE501 neon on a wg19v2000? All the manual says GE 5amp. Are all three neons the same? Are they the same as the G05-802?
> Thanks,
> Bob

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