Re: amplifone HVU plug-n-play closer to production

From: Steven Winslow <>
Date: Tue Aug 02 2005 - 22:44:14 EDT
sHi Dave !
I'm sorry if this question seems abrasive - that's not my intent. 
Why develop a P 'n P replacement for the Wintron if you need to sell them at the exact selling price of a Wintron? 
I thought the goal was to develop a CHEAPER replacement for theWintron?  If that wasn't the goal then what will your replacement do that makes it a better product than the Wintron?  Does it address some other downfalls of or concerns with using a Wintron?  Why do I want to buy your product instead of a product that has a track record and is a proven replacement?
Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful that someone out there is willing to put time, money and effort into coming out with a better mouse-trap that will in the end help the longevity of this hobby.  I applaud and respect your efforts.  Just had to ask... (these tough questions).

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Aug 2, 2005 9:34 AM
Subject: VECTOR: amplifone HVU plug-n-play cloer to production

Sorry for the commercial nature, but this directly applies here and many of you email me for updates every so often.   I have rec'd my proto of the new wiring harness for my replacement HVU.  Just like the original, even has the spark-gap.  The supplier quoted 3-4 weeks for full delivery since they need to wire these up for me.  I am going to see if they can ship a smaller amount sooner.  I can't disclose the source, since we are working with out of production parts here and I have to be assured ample supply to protect this large investment.  So, I just need to get those wired up and the heatsinks made and we'll be truly plug-n-play.  Also working on getting full cages for the WG6100 HVU, so that will be p-n-p soon as well.  My guess is that the p-n-p versions will be $199, so that's the same price as a Wintron, I think.  Thanks for reading.
+++++Ask me about Retrocade 30-in-1 MultiPac kits for Midway Pac Man and Ms Pac Man boards and same kit already attached to a new JAMMA PCB. Also we now have purchased the rights to WG6100 (Tempest, etc) new deflection boards and HVU boards. Also HVU boards for Amplifone (Star Wars). These are version 2 with no extra wiring or mods necessary. Ask about Star Wars overlays and new cabinets for Midway cocktail, upright, mini, Dragon's Lair, Williams, Golden Tee Fore, and Ultra-MAME++++
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