> Quick Question on the VM_MENU: Anyone know how to get out of the
> MFG's menu
> once you've selected one? Example, Once I select Atari, I don't
> know how to
> get back out to select sega games...
I think the spacebar toggles between game selection and manufacturer
selection. Certainly it's the shield button on my Space Duel panel
anyway (which I think is the space bar in MAME defaults). You should
be able to see it highlighting whichever list you select.
> I plan on using the Atari speakers so I'll be running an automobile
> audio amp
> from the sound card.
Good call. I used the guts of a PC speaker amplifier wired up to the
Atari speakers. Even through MAME it gives that characteristic Pokey
sound. :)
> To power both of the above, I'll be adding a switcher to provide
> the +12 for
> the audio amp and +5 for the trackball. Later, I'll figure out the
> lighted LED
> start buttons.
The +5 should be available from either the J-Pac or Opti-Pac (can't
remember which one). I didn't need to add a switcher into my cab at
> I don't plan on adding joysticks, trackball, or flight yoke (I
> already have
> those dedicated atari games), my whole sole purpose in the ZVG was
> to add sega
> and cinematronics games whose cabs (and monitors) I don't care to own.
Might be worth your while picking up an old battered Space Duel panel
and fitting the spinner to that. The dual controls are pretty useful
for a number of Cinematronics games. That way you also get buttons
either side of the spinner, which is very useful if you want to play
Tac/Scan or Zektor on there.
> Anyone else run a VGA monitor concurrently (like on the side or on
> top of the
> cabinet, in case you somehow get stuck or exit out the the menu? I
> find it's
> easy to inadvertantly exit to the prompt when you hit p1/p2 to get
> out of
> games.
I don't normally bother with a VGA monitor anymore, now that I have
all the games configured how I want them. I always have a keyboard
handy though, just in case I exit accidentally.
In retrospect I should have made the menu exit option a little more
tricky to activate.
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