Re: Star Wars Cockpit 25" (was: Wintrons gone!)

From: Alpha1 <>
Date: Tue Dec 06 2005 - 13:14:18 EST

MessageHey guys,

These are what you need Jess:

They go right through the cabinet and are what the bolt heads 'are part of' on the main part of the cockpit. They are totally different to the 19" Amp brackets.

I live in the UK but do have a complete but water damaged sw cockpit. I haven't decided whether to try and restore it or just keep the parts and junk the cabinet.

If I do that latter i'll give you my brackets. I'll ship to the US for free also seeing you helped me out a while back by taking pics of a vector pcb for me.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Hendrix, Jeff
  Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 5:53 PM
  Subject: RE: VECTOR: Star Wars Cockpit 25" (was: Wintrons gone!)

      I believe (but I could be wrong) that a 25" tube will fit in the cockpit without any bracket.
  I have a 25" monitor out of a 720 and I did a trial fit a few years ago in my SW cockpit and it went right in.
  (it is possible there is a bracket on the monitor, but I don't remember there being one. I can check tonight if I remember)

    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of Jess Askey
    Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 11:42 PM
    Subject: Re: VECTOR: Star Wars Cockpit 25" (was: Wintrons gone!)

    Ahhh, yes, those are exactly the brackets that I don't need which is the unfortunate result of me not proofreading my original post.... I actually have a 19" monitor in my SW cockpit and would like to put a 25" back in as it was once before (A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away), but I only have the 19" brackets and would like an original set of 25" brackets if anyone has a set they don't exactly 'need'. If anyone prefers to have a smaller lighter monitor in their cockpit, I would also be happy to trade for the whole #!

    thanks for the time and effort Utah!


    utahtaper wrote:
      Here you go:
      Scroll down to the " 19" monitor mounts " and see if that's what you are looking for.
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Jess Askey
        Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 11:17 PM
        Subject: Re: VECTOR: Star Wars Cockpit 25" (was: Wintrons gone!)

        Looks like I might be too late on them as I didn't see them anywhere. I dropped him an email in case I'm either too late or too dense to read properly. thanks for the tip!

        jess wrote:
          Check with Bob on the Amp brackets. Last time I checked he had them on his spare parts page. I grabbed a couple of them about three weeks ago.

            -------------- Original message --------------

> Hey there (Greg or anyone else....)
> My cockpit has a 19" tube (not stock) and I was wondering if anyone had
> a spare set of brackets that they would either sell me or loan me to I
> could get something made up here locally???? Anyone??
> Also... is a suitable replacement for the Rauland A63AAX00X out there
> anywhere new? Looks like Clarke is down or out and I have sent a request
> to Hawk-Eye for a price but no response yet.
> thanks
> jess
> Gregory S. Erway wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> >
> > I would up in for buying one if your willing to take single orders.
> > My SW cockpit is currently working with a Wintron but I guess it would
> > be s! mart to get a backup just in case (I do have a second Amp 25" tube
> > sitting in a box since I bought it on eBay 3 or 4 years ago. And I
> > have extras of the deflection and HV board. So I could put together a
> > spare fully working 25" Amp if I took the time (with one more Wintron
> > that is).
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Gregory S. Erway
> >
> >
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