Re: High Voltage Probe Usage Help

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Thu Feb 16 2006 - 13:29:40 EST

It stands for aquadag. A water soluble conductive paint. "Aquadag M
is a colloidal dispersion of extremely fine, pure graphite in a water
carrier that dries to form an adherent film on virtually all surfaces"

Also I have a write up on discharging a tube and why it should be
done properly (at least for older B&W XY monitors!):

John :-#)#.

At 12:04 PM -0600 2/16/06, Mark Shostak wrote:
>While we're on the topic, does anyone know where the name "dag",
>"Dag" or "DAG"
>comes from? Is it an acronym or short for something? Rodger?
>P.S. The WG has an internal bleeder, so don't be surprised if the show isn't
>very impressive. But definitely DO ground it out; better safe than sorry.
>On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 05:53:31PM -0000, simon hanlon wrote:
>> Connect it to the Dag strap or one of the metal lugs where the CRT screws to
>> the Chassis
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