Re: B/W HV Diode Replacement Question?

From: Tom McClintock <>
Date: Tue Mar 07 2006 - 11:14:35 EST


The housing should slide/twist apart. Be sure to wear some rubber
gloves. That insulation grease takes forever to get off your hands!


Tom Cloud wrote:
> Hello John, and all...
> I'll certainly discharge the monitor first... I posted a question here a couple weeks ago about using a high voltage probe for discharging a monitor. I used everyones suggestions last week with a raster monitor out of my Tron. I don't know which is worse... seeing/hearing a snap from the high voltage, or not seeing anything at all and wondering if it was discharged already or you're not doing something right!
> Anyway, it was discharged already. So now I thought I'd venture into my vector B/W monitor.
> One more question though...
> How does the housing that holds the diode come apart? Does it twist apart like a fuse holder?
> Regards,
> Tom Cloud
> John Robertson <> wrote:
> Don't forget to discharge the monitor first...and that the new HV diode goes in the same way as the old one - one end has a band on it.
> The HV diode on the B&W monitors can fail if the anode cap is directly shorted to the aquadag/common/chassis. This can damage the chain of diodes and leads to the blooming. We use a high voltage probe in our shop to discharge ALL monitors...
> John :-#)#
> At 4:46 PM -0800 3/6/06, Tom Cloud wrote:
> Hello all, I have a 19V2000 BW monitor that is blooming. It was a NOS monitor when I bought it about 2 years ago. It was working fine until several months ago. It started to bloom. I've since pulled it out of my Battlezone game and put another monitor in it. I'm ready to try to fix this problem. I'd like to know how the heck to change this diode? I have the part, it looks like this: I just don't know where it goes or how to install it. I've seen this diagram: It makes it look like it's inside this assembly like a fuse, spring loaded on both ends.... I'm confused...? Any info would be appreciated. Regards, Tom Cloud
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