I have had two glass stories in my past...
first one when I was about 13... I was working on my 1963 Williams San
Francisco pinball machine. I had the glass off and safely tipped up
against the wall about 3 feet from the game. the playfield was raised
and propped. At the time, I thought it was extremely nice to have the
front tray on a pinball machine (under where the lockdown bar sits), I
always put my various screws and parts there as it was a handy storage
area and very accessible. I also found that it held my little weller
pencil soldering iron nicely and since it was metal, didn't matter if
the iron laid down a bit onto to tray. Well, while working on some sort
of under playfield relay issue, I needed to get under the playfield a
bit further so I propped myself by grabbing the cabinet edges to get in
further. My right had went down on the soldering iron sitting in the
tray... as soon as I felt the heat I instantly jerked away and flung my
arm around and behind me where my hand slammed into the glass sitting up
against the wall. The glass didn't break amazingly as I hit it
*extremely* hard, but what did happen is that the impact bounced the
glass off the wall and I slowly watched it fall forward, hitting the
pinball machine front/leg and explode into many many pieces. :-)
The other one is similar to other stories with the glass sitting on a
concrete floor. However, I successfully picked it up and as it was about
6 inches off the floor, the glass seemed to twist in my hands slightly
right before it shattered. The twisting action was the really strange part.
Either way, seems that if you protect those edges, tempered glass is
pretty damn strong. I don't even look at the edges any more as I think
it seems to piss off the glass. :-)
al@alsarcade.com wrote:
> I've had two run-ins with glass. The first one I was putting a piece of glass from a Tempest behind my games that were lined up in the garage. There was a concrete ridge made by the cinder blocks that lined the garage and I was setting it on there. Suddenly I'm not holding it anymore and I pulled out all 6 games to find glass behind them.
> The other time was intentional, a friend of mine from the local pin club said, come over and we'll break some glass. So I took the video camera over and he smashed it with hammers and banged it on the concrete. Looks really cool when it explodes. I put the clip in my Pins & Vids video and people still comment on it (http://www.pinsandvids.com).
> Also in that video you can see Tim Arnold pulling the glass out of a pingame and resting it on his foot before putting it on the floor. This is suppose to reduce the impact level and the chance that it will explode.
> -Al-
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