Amplifone/wg6100 conversion update

From: simon <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 2006 - 08:34:05 EST

I have been fine tunning the conversion today as I was having problems with the brightness/focus. This was down to insufficient heater voltage...well it was hard to calculate as it was giving a strange waveform. I decided to run the heater from a game +5 dc power supply cranked up to 6v after all its only a liught bulb, now the picture is lovely and bright. I guess that .3 ohm resistor will need to be changed or maybe another wind on the core.
I am now going to mod the board to run with a Hanatrex MC9000 LOPT as that is the cheapest available/suitable LOPT I can find.
Slightly off topic but can anyone recommend a good newsfeed as my ISP stopped the newsfeed on the 17th march so I can no longer post/read on the RGVAC

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Received on Mon Mar 20 08:34:05 2006

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