Alpha 1 Video

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Sun Mar 26 2006 - 21:15:19 EST

I just put up a low quality video of the Alpha 1 attract mode which is
basically the only substantially different part of the game (besides it
being very incomplete). I made this for Owen Rubin to see if it jogs his
memory at all as he still can't remember ever coding the 'Alpha 1' name
into the game at any point. I figured it may be of interest to everyone

hey Oliver... what is your game version like? Mine is missing lots of
sounds, all music, the drawings are jumpy, and there are only 3 warps...
aqua, yellow and green... all of them are two digits.

There are also some high res pics here too.. not much to note about the
cabinet however except for the handmade artwork.

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