My SW with a Wintron blooms on the DS explosion. It takes a few seconds for
the HV to recover for the next level. Comparing to other SW's, the bloom /
recover time seems excessive on my setup. I have slight blooming when a
blast hits the Xwing as well. Is there anything I can do to decrease the
bloom / voltage drop?
[] On Behalf Of simon
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:58 AM
Subject: VECTOR: SW Death Star Blooming
I noted the other day that as on most vector monitors during the death star
explosion some blooming is noticeable. I have heard that this was
intentional, I find this hard to believe. I just rigged up my HV probe on my
SW so that I could read the EHT during game play. it was rock steady at
19.5KV until the dropped by 4kv!! I thought as much. This
must be due to the amount of white screen. Can someone else check their
original Red or Wintron?
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