This monitor has the original HV unit with the metal
cage installed so that's not the source of the
interference. When these replacement boards first
came out, one of the shops I work for put one in a
customer's game and ended up with very shakey vectors.
They gave it to me and I spent a day trying to
isolate and eliminate every possible source of
interference in the game. Never succeeded. A couple
months later, Arcade Shop acknowledged that there was
a noise problem with the deflection boards (the first
revision anyways) and had a kit consisting of two
diodes and two caps that would supposedly fix the
problem. As I mentioned before, when I called AS the
other day, they had the parts, but lost the
instructions. I was hoping someone came across this
before and has installed these parts. If not, does
anyone know who actually designed these replacement
boards? I may need to contact them directly.
--- Mark Shostak <> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 03:57:57PM -0700, John
> Robertson wrote:
> > At 2:24 PM -0700 4/13/06, Chris Loggans wrote:
> > >I was recently asked to work on a WG K6100
> monitor
> > >Shop installed. The monitor works fine but the
> > >vectors are very shakey. I remember that there
> was a
> You didn't mention if you have the AS HV unit or an
> original, but IIRC
> there was a similar symptom if you were missing the
> shield on the
> original HV unit.
> -Mark
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