Re: Discoloration on monitor after moving Space Duel upright

From: Joel <>
Date: Mon May 22 2006 - 14:22:03 EDT

Hey Tim!
I'm having EXACTLY the same problem. Although I hadn't noticed the control
panel effect before. I just tried it out, and yep - the purplish tone in the
upper right corner sure goes away when you swing out the control panel. I
also recently moved my cabinet around after working on the monitor. My
theory up til now was that I had gotten too close to the upper right speaker
when re-inserting the monitor to the cabinet (I have to do it from the front
since the upper back plate has been nailed at some time). But this opens up
for new interesting theories I believe.... any ideas anyone?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Soderstrom" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 6:13 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Discoloration on monitor after moving Space Duel upright

> Hi everyone!
> I recently moved into a new house and found the perfect place for my Space
> Duel cabinet. The thing has worked like a champ for many years,
> particularly after getting the LV2000 added to the low voltage board for
> the vector monitor. The issue I am having is that I notice that the
> top-right hand screen has some discoloration. The red looks more like a
> purple and looks, to me, like someone placed a magnet close to the screen
> (it produces a similar effect). That said, if I open up the button panel
> and swing it out away from the monitor, the problem goes away. I am unsure
> as to how this is even possible but it is a phenomenon that has only
> recently started occurring (since it was moved I think). I was hoping it
> might go away, and it has gotten a tad bit better, but is still
> noticeable.
> Also, I was wondering if anyone knew of any places in San Antonio, TX (or
> close by) that can repair vector monitors? I really don't even like to
> look at the HV section let alone put my hands in there. The idea of
> imminent death due to my own stupidity doesn't sound particularly
> appetizing and as I am not a trained professional at that type of stuff,
> I'd rather not have to work on it should the need arise.
> Thanks for the help in advance!
> Happy Vector gaming!
> Tim S.
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