RE: Vector test monitor

From: A Maclean <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 2006 - 06:57:15 EDT

Just thinking aloud here ... and I am unable to verify this, so if someelse
knows better please chip in :-

paul - can you determine if the input to the scope is direct coupled, or if
in fact theres a small capacitor between the input and the scopes
electronics ??

If the input is capcitively loaded, then maybe changing the value of that
capacitor to something half the value (but same voltage rating) might, just
might, increase the response rate of the scope for faster changing voltage
levels and make the rounded corners more square ! The downside being that
much slower changing voltage inputs will suffer.

can anyone else out there shed light on this ?


>From: "Paul Maddern" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: VECTOR: Vector test monitor
>Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 11:23:39 +0100
>Hey Arch
>Thanks for replying and thanks for posting that link - very interesting!
>However... I've absolutely no literature with this monitor (and there's
>nothing particularly written on the unit itself) and so I've no way to know
>what its slew rate might be? I was thinking that the problem with it was
>more likely to be something like this and it's a shame because it's a nice
>condition monitor in a nice metal box just a couple of inches smaller than
>cub monitor. It would have made an ideal addition to my test bench!
>Thank you
>-- --
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of A Maclean
>Sent: 19 June 2006 10:59
>Subject: RE: VECTOR: Vector test monitor
>Paul - Sounds like the 'Slew rate' of the TF scope just isnt able to keep
>up with the changing vector voltages.
>Slew rate, broadly speaking in vector display terms, is the rate at which a
>beam can be made to move across the screen and display the vectors nice and
>straight. If the electronics of the deflection / driver boards just cant
>keep up with the speed of change of voltage/current then the output beam
>will appear to be all curvy and rounded at what should be corners and so
>There are other factors such as capacitance on the input - too much
>capacitance and it will soften any sharp voltage changes, and so on.
>If the scopes slew rate exceeds the spec needed by asteroids boards and
>monitors, then perhaps theres a problem elsewhere.
>look at page 73 on this excellent vector monitor guide :-
>hope this is of some help.
> >From: "Paul Maddern" <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: VECTOR: Vector test monitor
> >Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 09:54:10 +0100
> >
> >Hey all
> >
> >A long while ago I bought an untested Marconi Instruments XY Display from
> >eBay (model TF2213A). Due to a lack of room it's remained untested for
> >about three years until yesterday when I thought I'd fire it up to see
> >happens...
> >
> >Well... It works... But it has problems... I was wondering if anyone
> >knows anything about these monitors and could perhaps give me some advice
> >as
> >I'm unsure whether there are actually problems with it or whether it's
> >not good/ fast enough to cope with a vector game signal (I tested it
> >Asteroids). It exhibits a strange kind of behavior... You could make
> >that it's displaying everything but nothing is quite right. For
> >the text is displayed like joined up writing (which is quite fancy if a
> >little unreadable!) the rocks and everything else are displayed kind of
> >'wavey-like' as well and (I'm assuming) the z input doesn't appear to be
> >working but then I guess this could be down to the fact that nothing is
> >being displayed correctly anyway?
> >
> >Any help would be very much appreciated thank you.
> >
> >Pobster
> >
> >-- --
> >
> >
> >
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