Try swapping the ACG chip from the SD board onto the Gravitar board. Coin solenoid chatter on my SD board ended up being a bad AVG chip.
-Steve P.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Malcolm Mackenzie
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 12:31 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Help with Dead Gravitar Board
Hello all. New subscriber here. Finally got my first vector game (Space Duel) and have really been enjoying it. Inspired me to get some more. Thought I'd introduce myself and pose my first questions.
I recently bought an "untested" Gravitar board and of course it was dead. I have been testing it in my Space Duel. Initial, and current symptoms are:
No game sounds (game doesn't play blind)
No video, Spotkiller on
Both Game start and Game select LEDs on (not flashing)
Self test sometimes results in 2 tones, sometimes not
Sometimes, for unexplained reasons, the coin solenoids will chatter when the game is powered up
Tried grounding the watchdog to see if the self test would operate with no effect
So far I have:
Reseated the ROMs
Tested the custom chip (it works)
Replaced the 6116 RAM
Replaced the Pokeys
Replaced the processor
All of this has had no effect on the performance of the board. I was thinking I'd check the ROMs next. The board has a repair in the XY output section where two of the four 1495 chips have been socketed. I tested the repairs and they seem to be ok. I don't have any 1495 chips to test to see if these are the problem. Since the board seems to be resetting constantly, I'm figuring this isn't the main problem.
This is the first Atari board I've ever worked on. Anyone have any specific suggestions for me? Where should I start with the logic probe? Thanks for any and all help. -Malcolm
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