When I got this machine I noticed the third prong on
the plug for the ground was missing. Today I replaced
the two prong plug with a new three prong plug. For
some reason, I'm not sure if the plug change is the
cause of this, but I'm now getting some graphics
I've also installed the zaxxon high score/free play
chip. I installed this a few days ago and it has
played with it in place with no graphic problems
previously. It allows for diagnostics as well. For
all of the diagnostics it seems to be telling me
everything is okay, but it doesn't seem like it.
Okay, the symptoms are this: In attract mode and
playing mode the same symptoms show up. Right before
the first wall you encounter there should be black
space but it is not. There is a black and purpleish
traingle colored lattice where black should be. Also,
the immediate moment you cross over the first wall all
of the ground is messed up, except for missiles taking
off and other active objects and things you can hit or
shoot, which show up fine. Then when you leave the
wall and go into space to fight planes in space there
look to be no graphic errors. Then when you get to
the next part of the zaxxon platform where you have to
shoot to know what holes you can pass through, the
ground looks perfectly fine and not messed up as it
did on the first platform in the game.
Do I need to re-program the eprom or something?
One last thing, I tried using the two prong plug
instead of the three prong plug to see if it would
revert back to how it was and that didn't help.
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