Re: WG 6102

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sat Aug 05 2006 - 16:44:23 EDT

Have you checked for Focus and Screen voltages when the monitor is dark?

It sounds like you have 21KV at that point, but if the neck is
glowing (heater) and either Focus or Screen is missing then the
screen would be dark.

You really need to recap the HV ASAP!

John :-#)#

At 2:43 PM -0500 8/5/06, Scott Caldwell wrote:
>WG6102 (P327, P328, P329)
>I am almost done with my Tempest cabaret restoration, but am still fighting
>with the monitor. Depending on the monitor's mode, it may or may not
>turn on when the game is powered on. However, a good wack to the
>side of the cabinet will usually bring it back. Obviously, this sounds like
>cold solder or a loose connection. I believe it's in the HV unit, but for the
>life of me I can't find it. I resoldered all pins, cleaned the pins
>on I could
>the row of pins, but the molex plug, etc. Can't find any burned or
>damaged components on the board.
>Here is what I know:
>- Even with the picture off, there is still loads of deflection chatter.
>- If the monitor is off, the tube itself doesn't crackle. However, when it
> turns back on I hear the normal crackle. If the monitors turns on when
> powerd on, I also hear the normal crackle.
>- With the monitor out of the game, and when the picture is on, I can very
> lightly tap the top of the HV cage and it turns off (but deflection chatter
> can still be heard). If I tape the cage again, it rarely turns on, but if I
> hit (wtih some effort) the side of the frame, near the top, that the HV unit
> is on, the screen will usually flash the image for a moment and fail again.
> If I do this enough, it will eventually stay on.
>- I have NOT done a cap kit on the monitor yet, since I am still trying to
> get the "correct" list of parts together for this monitor (it's a true 6102)
> and I know there has been discussion before relating to what is the
> correct parts, what's not, whom sells it, what they sub, etc., etc., etc.
>- Testing the HV, under the cup, shows 20Kv and it climbs a little if the
> monitor is on about a minute or so. My HV probe isn't the most
> accurate and tends to fluctuate slightly (about .5Kv or so).
>- The other problem I am seeing with the monitor is a curve across the
> bottom of the screen and shaky vectors. I know the shaky vectors
> are usually a missing HV cage (mine is present) or bad caps at 901,
> 902 and 905 in HV unit. However, I'm not sure what is causing the
> curve.
>Anyone have any ideas?
>Scott C.
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