OT: Motorola M5000/7000 HV Transformer

From: Joel <donfuego_at_sscs.se>
Date: Wed Aug 23 2006 - 09:46:11 EDT

Hey all!
Hope you don't mind; I know this is not for a vector monitor, but since we
got all HVT people up
on their toes, I thought I'd just pitch this in:

I've got a Sprint2 with what is clearly, a dead HV transformer since I can
see the wire going from top of the HVT down to the PCB is broken off. Now
the funny thing is that nothing seem to be burnt anywhere and the fuses are
not blown. How could this be? Here's a picture: http://ricci.se/data/hvt.jpg

Now, are there any chances this hvt could be repaired or are there any
replacements that fit to this pre-historic monitor?



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Received on Wed Aug 23 09:46:18 2006

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