Re: Star Wars - no stars or ships, but Mathbox tests OK?

From: Lewis D'Aubin <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 2006 - 18:26:38 EDT

At 04:44 PM 8/24/2006 -0500, you wrote:

>Pretty common SW symptoms; My first idea would be to search the VL archives.

Having just done so, it looks like even a board that passes the Mathbox
test can >still< have problems in the PROMs. Does anybody know if I can
test this using Tempest Mathbox PROM's? I have a couple working Tempest
boardsets but don't have access to another Star Wars.

My burner over here doesn't handle these little chips. Can anybody out
there sell me Star Wars PROM's 7H,7J,7K & 7L (110,111,112 & 113)?


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