Re: Re[2]: Battlezone AVG board - capacitor mod

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Sun Sep 03 2006 - 15:43:41 EDT

>47 pF would be right and it was most likely put there to stop the op amp
>from oscillating, if needed.

I wonder if the lack of said cap would account for the very intermittent
problem that I have on the X Axis on this board, namely the X Axis distorts
wildly from time to time. It's definitely something to do with the DAC
circuitry (curiously enough, prodding pin 16 of the DAC312 for the X Axis
temporarily 'resets' things and all looks good, until the next time). The
alphanumerics at the bottom of the test screen also gently slope upwards a
little as you look along to the right.

The 7815 regulator had blown on this board so no doubt that took out a few
things in the DAC section, but all the chips and transistors in this area
have now been replaced.


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