Wells Gardner 6100 mods

From: Thad Seeberger <maddthad_at_jlab.org>
Date: Tue Sep 19 2006 - 08:36:56 EDT

I recently bought back a star wars machine I sold some 17 years ago.
Its kindof cool to see games you sold come back around, problably will
happen more often since theres so few people left in the business.

Any wase I had performed a mod which included series resistors and a
diode on each deflection transistor. Also the low voltage power
transistors are removed, as well as there drivers. Jumpers are installed
on the connector to jump the voltage across where the transistor would
normally be. Also the reg transistors are now used as def transistors so
the heat is better distributed across the chassis. I remember doing this
mod to this specific game, I believe it must of come out of star tech
journal but I dont know the details. The thing that really caught me by
surprise is that after all these years, it still worked without ever
being serviced, and the guy said he used it alot. The game board was bad
but that was an easy fix.

Does anyone know the exact details of this mod, in case there are other
component changes I'm not aware of. Also is it feasable to convert back
to an amplifone. I can get an amplifone def board and HV board, just no


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