Strange Omega Race Problem

From: Matthew Rossiter <>
Date: Wed Sep 27 2006 - 14:11:42 EDT

Lately I've been having a problem with the Sound on my Omega race. The boardset is working 100% as well as the power supply. I'm thinking it might be either the wiring or the speakers, or something interfering.
I've ohmed out the wires and they look fine. But *sometimes* when I ohm out the speakers through the wires I get a high value. (30-50 ohms instead of 8ohms).

So what will happen is, sometimes the sound will come on fine and as long as the game is powered up it works. It won't crackle in and out or anything like that. But if I simply power the game off, wait a few seconds, then power it back on the sound will be missing again. I know for a fact it's not the boardset.

What would cause something like this to happen? Just a poor ground wire? Every time I test the ground wire it seems to test fine.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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