Star Wars movement problem update and other questions

From: Joe Magiera <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 2006 - 22:14:59 EDT

My game is at a public storage so I can't get to it every day to try stuff.
Thanks for people's suggestions. I tested both pots on the control panel,
and even swapped in a known good working board and still had a problem where
the game would not move in a particular direction. Turns out that the
screws that tighten the controller to the shaft came loose and when you
turned the controller, it wasn't tight enough to turn the shaft which in
turn didn't turn the pot, and hence, no movement. Duh!


Couple other questions. Why does Star Wars have dip switch settings for
number of shields, and game difficulty and a few other items, yet it appears
you can also set those options via self test procedures? Which takes
precedence, the dips or the self test?


Also, any ideas why, if I use the dips to set the game to free play, it
doesn't recognize it? It continues to show "1 coin 1 play". The game plays
normally and passes all self tests. The display of the dip switches via
self test matches their physical setting. Any ideas anyone? Free play is
one item you can't set via self test.





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