Hey Scott,
Yeah- don't do anything rash- especially if you LIKE the game. I can
play almost marathon on certain settings.
I can fix your monitor. They're not always the easiest thing to work
on, but if you stay methodical about it, you can usually track
everything through. A good working boardset is the only way to start.
I've fixed five or six of these chassis over the last ten years and
just received another chassis from one that had the tube broken last
week. If you'd like me to look at yours (and you're not in a rush), let
me know. I'll show you how to disconnect everything with the least
amount of damage. If you can solder (unsolder), then the most important
thing to know when disassembling one is to unsolder the white wire that
goes from the focus assembly to the tube pin socket. The last couple of
chassis I received had some wires cut where they didn't have to be.
If you've already got somebody in line, then keep me in mind if it
falls through.
Hey- if you want to drive to SC and work a deal, you can haul home a
working standup that has been sitting in the corner for a year or more!
eyeamnomad@excite.com wrote:
> My Star Trek machine repair is at the end of it's 5-year mission.
> I have explored strange, new G08 FAQ version 1.1's. I have sought out
> new transistors and capacitors. Smoke has boldly gone where no smoke
> has gone before.
> Now, it's over. I'm ready to send my machine to the Final F-ing Frontier.
> Problem is: I can't deal with the guilt of trashing the thing. The
> boards are good. The cabinet is original. It's just the monitor. I
> can't fix the damned monitor! DAMMIT JIM, I'M A DOCTOR, NOT A CIRCUIT
> If someone can fix it, I will pay any amount and pay all shipping. If
> anyone wants to buy the stuff that works, fine. But if someone doesn't
> do something soon, I will have to do the unthinkable.
> That's right. INTENTIONALLY set fire to it.
> Help me. Somebody. Please, help me.
> Scott G. Slaughter
> Mt. Airy, MD
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