Trying to troubleshoot the second asteroids deluxe
board I have. One works, this one doesn't.
I got 2 beeps when I turned it on, so I replaced a
pair of ram chips. Now the game in test mode beeps
repeatedly with no end. I pulled out a ram chip and
turned it on and got 2 short, then a long beep which
sounded far different than the initial beeps that led
me to change the ram... The initial beeps and the ones
now are short and higher pitched. I put all new
electrolytics on the board, new crystal, and tried a
good 8025 with no change. Spot killer is on and X/Y
outputs frozen.
A sort-of problem on the monitor for this game. It
looks great, but being the perfectionist I am has an
odd issue that kinda bugs me. When I pull up the test
pattern, and look at it inside the cabinet directly,
the left quarter or so of the screen has a slight
wavyness to the lines that make up the pattern. Its
hardly noticeable, but there. Also, most of the
numbers are uniform (test/highscore..etc), but there
is a slight band that runs top to bottom through the
numbers in one spot that is slightly brighter...maybe
a millimeter thick. I don't notice this on other
monitors hooked up to the same pcb. All caps have been
replaced on the H/V and deflection pcb's. I also tried
ground wires from transformer, AR, pcb to monitor
frame and had no effect on sound humm or the
wavyness.. Any ideas?
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