-----Original Message-----
From: fredk@mchsi.com
To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:46:03 +0000
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Re[2]: VECTOR: Re[2]: VECTOR: Re[2]: VECTOR: Re[2]: VECTOR: re: new WG6100 HVU/deflection
> You'd also have to modify the neck board for the RGB signals (since the neck
> pinout in different) if you used a new style crt, but thats not to hard.
> Fred
i disagree, you could probaby use the new neckboard.
especially as these days the gun-drive circuits are entirely on the neckboard and you just feed the rgb & blanking into it.
the only thing i dont like about modern monitors are the narrow necks - they lead to gun-shorts.
i'v never experienced a gun-failure in an old monitor - but these newer tubes can be a nightmare.
i have friends in the tv trade who tell me that the widescreen tubes get gunshorts so often that they dont think *any* will last more than 5 years with heavy use.
i had one fail myself after only 3 years :(
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Received on Tue Apr 10 02:26:31 2007
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