Re: Re[2]: Re[2]: Re[2]: Re[2]: Gravitar

From: andre <>
Date: Fri Apr 13 2007 - 18:51:38 EDT

One of the chips on my Bzone is a 2532 instead of 2516
and has a wire to activate I guess one half of a
double burned image. I have no 2516's so would like to
do the same again.

I have a Willem enhanced programmer and there is an
action titled 'copy data to full chip'... does anyone
know if this would do just that? Instructions for this
thing are very hard to come by and poorly written

I assume this chip will not function unless completely
full? Is there a standalone program for making a
double image? I found a link to one in another thread
on another site thru google, but link was dead..

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Received on Fri Apr 13 18:51:44 2007

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