Re: Speaking of multigame, A/AD/LL?

From: Scott Brasington <>
Date: Wed Apr 18 2007 - 14:15:33 EDT

Sean McLachlan wrote:
> Scott Brasington wrote:
> Would you mind cluing us in how the LL thrust control will work? Thrust
> button for increase thrust, and the Fire button for decrease thrust?
It is configurable from the configuration settings menu. There are 3 basic
types with various sensitivity settings.

There is single button thrust mode similar to how asteroids works, as you
hold thrust button it adds thrust, when you not pressing it, it subtracts thrust.

There is a two button mode, one to button increase it, one to decrease it.

And there there is a 3rd mode called 'external' where an external D-to-A type
circuit could be interfaced to the kit via a header allowing analog control.
One of my beta testers developed a prototype that does just that.

For each of the single button and dual button thrust modes there are about
6 to 8 different sensitivity settings you can select. These are still being
tweaked, but the goal is to provide various rates at how fast these buttons
add or remove to the emulated thrust.

I also added a nice user interface for selecting the mission, since the original
game had external mission lamps to indicate the current mission, with the
multigame it will show a picture and text describing the current mission.
As well the freeplay interaction with attract mode was improved and is also
tied into the mission select display. I haven't finished the documentation
and screen shots for this yet.


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