Got it working...finally...problem was the long
connector reversed. Came that way and was the only
orientation that gave me something early on when I
started the project..
When I go into test mode, the diamond is bowed
significantly..the lines are very curved instead of
The monitor I have is a g08-502, but had a P299
deflection from an lv2000..the purple wire was cut on
the neck assembly, but was tested and working when
sent to me... When I got it I only had a g08 repair
kit, so I swapped out the P299 with the deflection out
of the original omega monitor...the reason I don't
want to use that one, is it has a bit of screen burn,
and the asteroids one I got in has very
little...Anyways, rebuilt the deflection and put it
in..had to move a wire in one of the harnesses (I am
sure it was purple, but don't remember which plug it
was on...)..It worked fine in asteroids deluxe...I set
the high voltage, and adjusted the was
centered nicely.
When I put it in the Omega Race, it is off center, to
one side a bit..when the rectangle touches the side,
the other side is about 2 inches from the edge.
vertically it looks good.
So my questions are;
on the deflection, what do the 2 x and y pots do? They
both seem to control width and manual doesn't mention
anything about them one for linearity? I
have turned all of them and they seem to do the same
thing (width) only. I can do width on the Omega race
board so this is pretty much my adjustments..
How do I straighten out the diamond? It was perfect on
the asteroids deluxe...but really bad on the OR.. It
makes the ship change it starts out one size
when the wave begins, but if you fly to the bottom it
gets slightly smaller...etc..
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