Re: Battlezone....almost there....

From: <>
Date: Tue May 22 2007 - 09:55:54 EDT

Battlezone is one of my all-time favorite video games. Curiously, it is one
game that I am better at playing now than when I was younger. My high
score on the game is 1,031,000 (roughly). I'm at the point where I
could easily go higher if I wanted to invest the time in a game but, I
have other things I would really rather be doing with my time. So, I believe
the Twin Galaxies scores but, I personally don't have the time or stamina to
match them.

The problem with going for high score is that I have to play the game very
conservatively compaired to playing for fun where I can just push my luck
as far as I want. The other problem, as the guide Chris posted points out,
is that between 700k and 800k the game goes into "get the hell off me" mode
and gives you the old tanks and slows the missles back down a bit, if I
remember correctly. In the above game, for example, it took somewhere
between 3 and 4 hours. A little over the first half of that was getting to
the "get the hell off me" point. The second half was clearing the million.

The funny story behind this is that this was my second over 1 million game.
I did the first game before I had Clay's high score chip in my machine.
When I did it, my wife had bought it for me for Christmas and had told our
friend Al Warner. So, when I finally had the time to pull the first million
game I took a screen shot, sent it to Al, and called him to crow about it.
In the process of telling him about it, I said that it was actually really
boring after the switch back to the old tanks and that I would never waste
my time doing it again. Knowing what my wife got me for Christmas, he
thought to himself "Yeah, you will" and he was ultimately right.

Once you get past the "get the hell off me" point, it is really kind of hard
to get killed. I use a slightly different missle strategy than the guy in
the article does. I basically pull back (assuming my first snap shot misses)
and then do this pull to the left and fire strategy (the missle invariable
turns to follow you). The other two big things to keep in mind, like
the article says, are to keep the map of your surroundings in your head at
all times and, saucer exist to get you killed. I strongly agree that almost
every death in the game is the result of user error as opposed to the game
cheating. These days I generally just play to about 200k to 300k just to
keep myself in shape.

Nick Sauer

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