RE: Asteroids Blues

From: Matt J. McCullar <>
Date: Fri May 25 2007 - 23:40:48 EDT

I had something similar happen a couple of weeks ago and it turned out to be
a bad 4016 analog switch chip. It had shorted and was permitting the LIFE
sound to be constantly. This is a 3 kHz tone, IIRC, and is supposed to come
on only when you earn a bonus life. If it's on all the time, it will drown
out all other sounds! Replacing the 4016 at location R11 (or R12, depending
on motherboard version) fixed it.


Matt J. McCullar


Sorry, I should have been more specific:

The buzz occurs at all times, about 1 to 2 seconds after power is applied to
the game. All normal sounds can be heard underneath the buzz, but barely.
Turning up the volume turns both the buzz and the sounds up, but the buzz is
always WAY louder than the sounds.

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