Got in about 6 SD pcb's today. Was going through them
in my Gravitar which has an amplifone, to see how many
worked. Well none did as usual but got a couple going
pretty easily. One of them I tuned in to fit the
amplifone screen to play a game and see how it was.
Looked pretty nice. I then moved it over to my actual
SD cab to see if it had the same shakey vector probs
the original one has. It does, but one thing I noticed
upon dialing the geometric grid up to fit the 6100,
was that the sides are 'very' bowed in. In the Grav
cab with amplifone, its straight as an arrow. I pulled
out the board and noticed a few differences. In the
output area instead of the long 6014 (I believe thats
the number), there are 2 smaller gold covered chips
MC3410CL. B10 and E10 are also different with LF13201N
chips. The one at E10 also has a resistor from pin 3
to pin 15. This resistor was lose and there was no
output until soldered so its a significant part of the
chain. None of the other SD's have this
this just a different pcb or was their one made with
the correction for amplifones?
AND... wouldn't you know it...put the Gravitar pcb
back in and it has a new problem. Game plays fine, but
almost everything is very dim. The players ship, the
planets, enemy ships (not guns on ground), fuel boxes,
bullets, explosions are at normal intensity. But the
blue 'only' in text (blue ship looks fine) and the
'gravitar' in attract as well as the green ground, the
red guns on ground (but not the red ships in air) are
all very dim. In attract in the 'gravitar' word, the
dots at the joint of each vector seem normal
intensity, but the vectors are dim. Its definitely not
a monitor issue...monitor works fine with the space
duels..I changed out a full set of Eproms and no dif.
Also tried a different AVG chip...any ideas?
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