If I remove mathbox PROM @ J1 then the game fires up WITH pin 7 on the
interconnect connected.
I put the J1 prom into my eprom programmer and read it in, it verifies
against a known good prom image fine
I would burn a new one to test, but arcade chips send out MMI6301's
which my programmer wont do (I can do AMD, National, Phillips,
Signetics, TI, Tesla) but not bloody MMI grrrrrrr
I don't think the prom is acutally faulty as it verifys ok though :/
> On this problem, I tried reconnecting pin 7 A5 and cutting A6, but the
> board doesnt work, only works with pin 7 (A5) cut. The line is not
> holding high or low (checked on a scope) but I am going to try
> replacing the LS139 that the signal goes to on the AUX board anyway
> just incase.
> On another note, I decided to have a go at signature analysing the AUX
> board (never dug my sig analyser out before)
> Well I dusted off the HP5006A signature analyser
> I made the mathbox test harness as described in the manual
> I followed the procedure as described in the manual for test #1
> when I jumper pin1 of B6 to ground, the signature analyser freezes and
> I cant record any signatures
> Ok lets try test #2a followed instructions and the sigs all test good
> so my HP is working
> followed the instructions for test #2b and the signatures are good again
> followed the instructions for test #3, and .... errrr is there an error
> in the manual? I get all good sigs, but not on the same pins as the
> manual
> eg pin 22 of H/J2 should be 1441, but its not its pin 21. same applies
> for the other 3 pins, they are all 1 shifted to the left
> then the same for chip at E/D2, all the sigs are correct but shifted 1
> pin to the left.
> Board fault or missprint? sounds like a miss print.
> Any ideas why I can't do the #1 tests?
> Thanks in advance
> Luke
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