RE: Handheld Scopes... XY Mode?

From: Matt J. McCullar <>
Date: Mon Oct 08 2007 - 19:12:39 EDT

We have a Fluke handheld "scopemeter" with a different model number, and I
tried using it in X/Y mode on an _Asteroids_. It failed miserably. It just
cannot do the job quickly enough to respond to the changing signals.

Even if the 196 _is_ fast enough, I seriously doubt its screen resolution
would be good enough for what we would use it for.

You might try getting a regular Tektronix analog scope; I have a Model 2225
that does the job very well. It's not handheld, but it's lightweight enough
and transportable enough for what I need. You can probably get a working
'scope like this used rather cheaply, too.

Matt J. McCullar

It looks like the Fluke Scopmeter 196 now has an XY mode (or A vs. B as
they call it). Does anyone have any experience on if these would work ok
for displaying vector game signals (simply for testing). They go for
around $1400 used on Ebay so they are pretty pricey. Are there any
alternative handheld solutions (aka cheaper) that anyone else knows of?
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