Space Duel issue

From: andre <>
Date: Tue Oct 16 2007 - 22:28:07 EDT

has anyone ever seen this? I have a couple doing this
right now..found what looked like a couple bad ls161's
on one pcb but it just changed the pattern when
replaced. It plays blind but has this moving pattern.
I am pretty sure it is in the output section but
trying to find someone who has seen it before wasing a
bunch of dacs and work.


It used to just run like this before I put it away to
work on later, but now it runs fine..then almost like
the pcb just shuts down for about 3 seconds (spot
killer and everything go on on
chatter..outputs dead)..then starts back up.. its
odd..almost like it is shutting down when the high
scores are supposed to be displayed. Test mode gives
no tones so ram seems ok..stumped on this one..
compoarator'd all the 74ls's I have..and I have a lot...

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