Solved it.
With the stock avg it would work ok, but screen was
shrunk about half size to the center. I found a bridge
between 2 of the pins on the neg 15volt regulator and
took that off..screen was now full size.
BUT, with aftermarket avg it would reset over and over
but you could still see the attract start to play.
If I turned down the voltage, when I hit around
4.75volts it actually no longer reset, but flickered
the test grid and also the first test screen at a set
pulse in the attract.
I actually put the board aside to work on another one
and took the chips off it for the other board. Somehow
some ended up on my good board and it started to do
the same thing. After swapping out a couple chips
found the culprit. I had a new 6502 processor that I
had bought for my Black Hole in the board. I have not
looked up the specs yet, but it is a 'p' instead of an
'a' chip. replaced that and the boardset works onto the next one.
Anyone know why on my test 6100 the game fits the
screen fine, but when I take it to another one its
about 30% too large and off to the left a bit?
shouldn't setting it up on one 6100 look the same on
any other one?
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