Strange Omega Race issue

From: andre <>
Date: Thu Sep 11 2008 - 09:21:54 EDT

Have some time this weekend to get an OR boardset working right.. I had a spare set that I put in the game to verify another part. The set was marked as working and shelved. Now, it does work for the most part, but has a really odd problem and I don't have a clue what could cause it.

The game works in attract, and you can start a game, but the player ship has to face in the upward 180 degrees of the rotation. If you turn the ship to face downwards, as soon as it passes either the 90 or 270 degree points the screen goes to pieces vector-wise. It gets completely scrambled with vectors flying all over the place... as soon as the ship faces back to the top 180 degrees, it all looks fine again.

Any idea what is going on?

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