Lewis D'Aubin wrote:
>> The problem there is price. My power draw is around 50 watts. I
>> use an older Shuttle SK41G PC, about the size of a lunchbox, which
>> easily sits inside just about any arcade cabinet.. thus allowing you
>> to still have a case for supporting cards.
> I've never had much trouble fitting a minitower case in an upright.
> But when I REALLY don't have a lot of space (like in a cocktail) I
> utilize a part of one of those tower cases with the L-shaped pull-out
> mainboard deck. Removed from it's shell, the deck screws nicely
> against the wall of a game with the integral card cage aimed down; you
> can throw the rest of the tower away. I usually mount the P/S with
> the fan facing out the bottom (cocktail) or back (upright) of the
> game, like a 'modern' arcade cabinet would.
> Take a look:
> http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm78/DoctorPinkerton/gyruss_cocktail_mainboard.jpg
Yep, that's a nice setup!
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Received on Tue Nov 11 10:55:58 2008
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