Re: Space Duel PCB weirdness

From: William Boucher <>
Date: Tue Jan 27 2009 - 18:00:02 EST

I use the normal dishwashing soap but I only use a liquid soap, not a dry
particle type, and I only use about 1/10'th the normal amount. Like someone
else mentioned, I also pull all socketed chips first, polish chip pins using
a small wire-brush wheel on a dremel (very gently). I have been known to
use a power washer to clean really dirty boards and monitors (using a flat
fan of water, not a focused jet) and then let them dry in the sun. I also
use compressed air to blast out water and tip the boards up on edge and
rotate them occasionally to make sure that all the water gets out.

After I wash the PCB's indoors and if sunny warm conditions outside are not
available, I dry the boards on a rack in the clothes dryer on low heat for
up to an hour. It works pretty well and causes the boards no harm.

William Boucher
----- Original Message -----
From: "EvilJim" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Space Duel PCB weirdness

> William -
> I have seen this method suggested before and was going to give it a shot,
> now that I had a shop dishwasher. Just as a clarification, do you use any
> detergent when washing boards, or just count on the heat of the system?
> It seems the detergents for dishes could be a bit beyond what one would
> want to subject a board and components to, esp at the full heat of a
> dishwasher.
> Sorry Chris, I don't have anything additional to add to what has come
> before.
> William Boucher wrote:
>> 6/ If the board is really dirty, clean it thoroughly and don't be afraid
>> to get it completely wet. I wash my big boards and wiring harnesses in
>> the dishwasher with no ill effects
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Received on Tue Jan 27 17:59:45 2009

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